White papers

Bringing our readers unique, high-value content is something which netMAGmedia is always investing in. As such, we have partnered with audience research firm Edge Insight to survey our readerships on key topics which matter to them. From offsite construction, to Passivhaus, to remote monitoring of social housing.

Launched in 2020 netMAGresearch intends to learn more about our audience, and to inform them further about the topics most important to them. Our survey findings are captured in sponsored white papers and circulated among our audiences to develop specific market knowledge across all our brands.

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A Year On: Revisiting Changes to Part F & Part L

Discovering housebuilders awareness of (and approaches to) the updated Part L, Part F & Part O have improved a year on from their inception and the answers they need.

Housebuilder & Developer | December 2023

Committing to a Low Carbon Journey

With many self-builders focused on reducing their carbon footprint as well as their outgoings, our survey discovered how they are pursuing truly sustainable homes, even to ‘zero carbon’ levels.

| November 2023

Approaches to Water Efficiency in New Homes

Investigating how housebuilders are approaching current water efficiency standards, their views on those standards, and how product solutions are helping.

Housebuilder & Developer | October 2023

Solving the Housing Crisis with Offsite Construction

Revisiting the key area of offsite construction for tackling the industry challenges, this Industry Viewfinder reveals how perceptions and approaches have changed since 2021.

Housebuilder & Developer | August 2023

Design for SuDS

Our Design for SuDs Industry Viewfinder reveals architects’ views and experiences of Sustainable Urban Drainage System including design approaches, client engagement, and solutions used.

Architects' Datafile | May 2023

A New Era of Energy Efficient Buildings

The upgrades to Parts L & F of the Building Regulations include a 31% cut in new homes’ carbon; our Industry Viewfinder gauges architects’ response, including the new Part O.

Architects' Datafile | February 2023

The Road to Zero Carbon

How have architects approached zero carbon buildings to date, and what are their views on the profession’s wider initiatives to achieve low energy designs? Our white paper reveals all.

Architects' Datafile | November 2022


netMAGMedia Insights