Unfit homes result in deadly risks to tenants, from the dangers of fire, poor air quality to inadequate repairs.
Retaining Royal Assent in July 2023, The Social Housing (Regulation) Act was introduced to tackle these issues by reforming the quality and safety of homes in the sector.
Housing Management and Maintenance undertook a research study to take a closer look at these fundamental changes and find out exactly what challenges lay ahead, what levels landlords are prepared and highlight what failings there are at present.
The majority of our respondents welcomed the new legislation, but worryingly only half described their current housing stock as ‘safe’.
Reassuringly however the majority of the survey respondents thought positivity of the Act, trades are trusted to look after the health and safety of residents, and the majority believe the culture of addressing issues of damp and mould across the sector has improved following the death of Awaab Ishak.
Despite this positivity, our research also highlighted significant risks in the UK housing stock at present.
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