What are the Components of a Healthy Home? with Jack Dangerfield

Building Insights Episode 5 28 April 2022

In this episode, Jack Wooler, deputy editor of Housing, Management & Maintenance magazine, speaks to Jack Dangerfield of the Town and Country Planning Association, or TCPA, about the omission of legislation around the health of a home, as well as the state of planning in the UK as a whole at present.

Discussing our recent research on what landlords and housing professionals believe makes up an exemplary healthy home, the most important elements of such a property, and the barriers to the adoption of these elements – in which a shocking lack of respondents would describe even their own housing stock as healthy – Jack Dangerfield discusses how the TCPA’s Healthy Home’s campaign is one route forwards. 

Thanks to Glidevale, Mitsubishi, Envirovent, Cornerstone, Aico and FireAngel for sponsoring this episode.


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