The growing trend of multigenerational living due to a range of economic and social factors presents both challenges and opportunities for architects, designers, and the wider construction industry. As families increasingly share living spaces with older and younger generations, the demand for homes that balance privacy, functionality and are suitable for younger and older generations, is a key future challenge for the industry. The NHBC has estimated that 1.8 million UK homes have two adult generations or more living under the same roof.
This discussion will delve into innovative design solutions that address the diverse needs of multigenerational households, and how they are evolving to meet the requirements of both architects and housebuilders. Topics will include strategies to promote flexibility for requirements such as extra bathrooms and self-contained areas, adaptable, but customised layouts, and the use of technologies that enhance functionality, safety and accessibility for older residents without creating an institutional atmosphere.
Participants will explore how to design homes that help to foster connection while respecting individual privacy, considering cultural influences, accessibility requirements, and sustainability, while addressing the challenges for new housebuilding. Sharing knowledge and experience will generate best practice ideas, in a practical, solutions based event including a number of different industry stakeholders.